Wednesday, October 19, 2011



Planet order: 2nd from the sun

Distance from the Sun: 108.2 million km  

Mass: 4,869 x 10^24 kg

Diameter: 12,104 km

Rotation: 243 days

Revolution: 225 days

# of moons: 0

Venus is a terrestrial planet

Planet description: 
It is yellow, orange, brown, and black. Have a lot of volcanos and lava. Clouds on Venus are so dense that only a small percentage of the sunlight that strikes the top of the clouds reaches the planet's surface. Venus has a greenhouse effect similar to the Earth's but more intense because Venus has a lot co2 in the atmosphere and the sunlight that go inside can not go out.

2 interesting facts about Venus: 
- Venus highest volcano is called Maat Mons. 
- Venus is the hottest planet.

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