Wednesday, October 19, 2011



Planet order: 2nd from the sun

Distance from the Sun: 108.2 million km  

Mass: 4,869 x 10^24 kg

Diameter: 12,104 km

Rotation: 243 days

Revolution: 225 days

# of moons: 0

Venus is a terrestrial planet

Planet description: 
It is yellow, orange, brown, and black. Have a lot of volcanos and lava. Clouds on Venus are so dense that only a small percentage of the sunlight that strikes the top of the clouds reaches the planet's surface. Venus has a greenhouse effect similar to the Earth's but more intense because Venus has a lot co2 in the atmosphere and the sunlight that go inside can not go out.

2 interesting facts about Venus: 
- Venus highest volcano is called Maat Mons. 
- Venus is the hottest planet.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hurricane Irene Project

Critical Thinking

1. What time of the year do hurricanes occur?Why do they only happen during that time? What type of storm are hurricanes?
 Hurricanes occur in summer because is when the water is warm and there are storm surge. Hurricane are tropical storm.

2. How can the timing of the tides (high or low) effect the devastation of a hurricane?
There are two main tipe of tides, the'res Spring tide and Neap tide. This affect  the devastation of the hurricane because the tide get big and can go out the ocean,With the wind that the hurricane have and affect the people.

3. If an area is fully saturated, will hurricane have more or less impact on an area?                                     I think it has more impact because with the wind that the hurricane has and his rotation, can make a very big impact in a area, with the water that get from the ground because it's very saturated.

4.How does groundwater saturation affect rivers and streams?                                                                    It affect the rivers and streams because of the Zone of Saturation and the water goes up to the rivers and streams, and the streams in the rivers get more water, water will  be changing because the ground is saturated and the water will infiltrated again and the process going to continue.


1.What is something that you liked about this Mini-Project?
Something that I like about this mini-project is that we keep talking about Hurricanes and I can  remember more about it, because I am doing the project about hurricanes again.

2.What was difficult for you on this project?
Something that was difficult for me in this project was to write the vocabulary word.

3.What would you change about you work on this project?
Something that I would change about this project is that we don't have to write three vocabulary word, just two.

4.How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
This project help me to learn more about Hurricane Irene because we learn the devastation power that the Hurricanes have and how they are formed.