For the Lithosphere I had to made 3 activities,they were Mini-Posters,Written and Verbal, for the Mini-Posters I had to made 3 I made one about Earth Interior and I wrote about the Earth Layers,Inner Core,Outer Core,Mantle and about Continental and Oceanic Crust,Hydrosphere,Lithosphere and about Atmosphere.I wrote other Mini-Poster about Plate Tectonic.The other Mini-Poster was about Continental Drift in this Mini-Poster I also wrote about Pangaea.In the Written activity I wrote about Tsunami and about Volcanoes to do this activity I watched two brainpop videos and I took notes on the important vocabulary and then I summarized each video and I created 5 quastions about each video.For the Verbal activity I watched two music videos about Plate Boundaries and Seismic Waves and then I listed and defined the important vocabulary from the videos and then I summarized the topics of each video.
For the Asthenosphere I did the demonstration lab about Convection Currents,to do this lab I used 5 cups, food coloring,a plastic tub,water,a cup with hot water,the hot water represented the Outer Core,the cold water represented the Crust and the food coloring represented the Magma.I also did a poem about Earthquake.
For the Mantle Layer I did the Exploration Lab about Continental and Oceanic Crust Density and the Ring of Fire. For Density of Continental and Oceanic Crust Lab I had to cheked the mass and volumen of Continental:Granite rock and Oceanic:Basaltic rock to get the density of each one. For the Ring of Fire Lab I used the World map to find the latitud and longitude of some countries.
Do you agree with the theory of Plate Tectonics? Why or Why not?
I am agree because Plate Tectonics moves and made natural disasters by making Plate Boundaries.
1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why? Doing the lab because it was very creative with all of the materials that we used.
2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why? to get tested by Ms.Kara because I get nervous when she asked the quastions to me and sometimes I forgot the answers.
3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project? I learn to work more in group because before I almost never share information to the group but doing the project they were times where I had to work in groups and share information and that help to improve my working in groups skills.
4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Yes to print the poem because I just did it in loose leaf.